Air Pollution Paragraph – Short and Simple English Paragraph Writing


In this short and easy paragraph, You will learn Air Pollution ParagraphI think You love this paragraph.




Write a paragraph on ‘Air Pollution’ based on the answers to the following questions.

(a) What is air pollution? 

(b) How is air polluted? 

(c) What are the main reasons for air pollution?

 (d) What are the demerits of air pollution?

 (e) How can we solve this problem?




Air Pollution Paragraph For HSC Students 


Air is the most essential element for our life and environment. Without it our existence is impossible. Air pollution means the contamination of this essential element. It is a human being who is responsible for polluting this most vital element. Air is polluted in many ways. The major gaseous pollutants of air are carbon dioxide, carbon, monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, fumes of acids, paints, smoke etc. Major solid pollutants of air are dust, particles of unburnt carbon, lead, cement etc. Air pollution mainly occurs in cities and towns, especially in industrialized ones. A large number of factories are actively responsible for polluting the air. Carbon dioxide is the chief cause of air pollution. The burning of trash, diesel and other chemical substances in cars and vehicles produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases every day and pollutes the air. The cutting and burning down of trees, trash, and the discharge of human waste in the open air also pollute the air. Polluted air is very harmful to all beings. It is a dangerous threat to our existence. By inhaling polluted air, we suffer from various diseases such as cancer, bronchitis, heart diseases, etc. So in order to prevent pollution, we should plant more trees. We should use CNG instead of petrol and diesel. We must not throw trash and waste in open places. Mills and factories should not be allowed to be set up in residential areas. After all, public awareness should be raised.



#2  Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on “Air Pollution.”


(a) What is air pollution? 

(b) How is air polluted? 

(c) What are the main reasons for air pollution? 

(d) What are the demerits of air pollution? 

(e) How can we solve this problem? 


Air Pollution Paragraph For SSC Student


Air is so important an element of our environment that it is compared to life. We can easily guess and feel how fatal air pollution is. The contamination of air through various ways is termed as “air pollution. The main and most common culprit which pollutes air is smoke: To cook food we burn wood, oil or gas and produce smoke Pitch is melted for road construction and smoke is produced. Engine vehicles use fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, coal, and gas. Combustion takes place in the engine and smoke comes out. Mills, factories, industries, and powerhouses are also responsible for air pollution. Air is also polluted due to a lack of proper waste management. Smoke contains greenhouse gases that cause thermal pollution. Besides, nuclear research as well as nuclear bomb explosion produces radio-active wastage and pollutes the air. By inhaling polluted air. we become affected by serious diseases. Air pollution causes the greenhouse effect which threatens human life on earth. In this age of industrial and technological civilization, air pollution is almost unavoidable: still, we can palliate the situation by being economical and considerate in the activities which cause air pollution.


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