Pohela Baishakh Paragraph – Short and Simple English Paragraph Writing

In this short and easy paragraph, You will learn Pohela Baishakh ParagraphI think You love this paragraph.




Write a paragraph based on the following questions. Your answers to the questions should provide as much detail as possible.


(a) What is Pahela Baishakh? 

(b) What is the significance of the day? 

(c) How is the day celebrated? 

(d) What dress do the men and women wear on the day? 

(e) Has it crossed the national border? 

(f) Do you see any sign of national identity on this occation?


Pahela Baishakh  Or, Celebration of Bangla New Year Paragraph For HSC


The first day of Bangla year is called Pahela Baishakh. This day has a great significance in our national life. It reflects our age-old tradition and culture. On this day, we welcome the Bangla New Year with new hopes and aspirations for a better, peaceful year. We have been celebrating this day for centuries as a part of Bengali culture. Baishakhi Mela which is celebrated in this day is the largest festival of Bengali culture. The day is celebrated all over the country with great festivities. Regarding celebration of the day, there are some differences between the rural and urban areas of the country. Rural people celebrate this day according to their age-old customs. On the day, they prepare special foods and arrange ‘Baishakhi Mela’ at important places. Attractive cultural shows sụch as puppet show, circus, bioscope, jatra-pala etc are held there. On this day, shopkeepers open ‘Halkhata’ and offer sweets to their customers. On the other hand, urban people try to be original Bangali on the day. They eat ‘Panta-Ilish’ in the morning and participate in day-long cultural programmes. The greatest cultural function, of the country is held at Ramna Batamul in Dhaka. Different organizations such as Bangla Academy, Shilpakala Academy, Chhayanat, etc organise cultural functions on the day. People wear special clothes of the day. Men wear Panjabi and Pajama, and women put on red or colourful sarees. Children also put on colorful dresses. All Bangla-speaking people from different social, economic and religious background around the world celebrate Pahela Boishakh. It is not only a day for celebration but also a sign of our national culture and identity. It bears the testimony to the fact that we have a culture of our own.



Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on Pahela Baishakh


(a) How is Pahela Baishakh celebrated? 

(b) Where does the day’s first programme begin? 

(c) What do the shopkeepers do? 

(d) What do people wear on this day? 

(e) What do different organisations arrange? 

(f) What role do the Bangladesh Betar, Television, and National dailies play on this day? 

(g) What is the significance of the day? 




Pohela Baishakh Paragraph For JSC/ SSC 


Pahela Baishakh opens the Bangla New Year. The day is pregnant with significance ånd solemnly celebrated with traditional festivities in every place, like Bangladesh, where Bangla is the native language. In our country, it is a public holiday. Conforming with the ancient Bengali tradition, traders and shopkeepers open halkhata and distribute sweets to their clients and customers. Under almost every banyan tree that stands in a convenient place, there sits a fair and the cultural gathering at Ramna Batamul arranged by Chhayanat is a glaring example here. Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television arrange special programmes. National dailies publish special supplements. Bangla Academy holds a cultural programme on its own premises and so do different socio-cultural organisations. People wear traditional dresses and bring out colourful processions carrying festoons, placards, posters and banners. Wearing masks to welcome the new year is a special feature. Wearing traditional dresses and taking watered rice with hilsha fish are some long-nourished traditions. This day symbolises novelty, friendship, unity and solidarity. In fact, it is a unique day in Bengali çulture.


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