Human Rights Paragraph 150 Words for Class 12 – Short English Paragraph Writing

In this short and easy paragraph, You will learn Human Rights ParagraphI think You love this paragraph.





Write a paragraph answering the following questions. Your answer should give as much detail as possible.


(a) What do you mean by human rights? 

(b) What do you mean by basic human rights? 

(c) What is the status of our basic human rights?

 (d) How can people come to know what the constitution says about their rights?

(e) What will be the results, if people know about their rights?


Human Rights Paragraph 150 Words For SSC and  HSC 


Human rights mean those rights that should be got and enjoyed by every human being fair. In fact. human rights refer to some moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behavior. Human rights are protected as legal rights in international law. Every person in this world has the right to get food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical service. These rights are regarded as basic human rights. In our country, a number of people are deprived of their basic human rights. Our poor children are deprived of food, medical service, and education. There are a number of street children who are shelterless. These little kids have to earn money themselves for a living. They do it by engaging themselves in many risky jobs. Such type of situation increases child labour. Many of our women folk are deprived of education. They have no right to make any decision or give any opinion about the important issues in the family. Sometimes, they are tortured both physically and mentally. Our old people are deprived of proper care and medical service. People can come to know what the constitution says about their rights if they are conscious of their rights. If people know about their rights, they can enjoy their rights and protect themselves properly. They will feel their importance as citizens. They will be responsible citizens of the country. Thus, our people can contribute to the development of the country.

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