Good Citizen Paragraph – Short and Simple English Paragraph Writing

In this short and easy paragraph, You will learn the Good Citizen ParagraphI think You love this paragraph.





Write a paragraph based on the following questions. Your answers to the questions should give as much detail as possible. Write a paragraph on ‘Good Citizen’.


(a) Who is a good citizen? 

(b) What iş the role of a good citizen? 

(c) How to be a good citizen? 

(d) What is the importance of a good citizen? 

(e) Do you thịnk student life is the best time to sow the seed of being a good citizen?


Good Citizen Paragraph For SSC HSC Students 


A good citizen is one who properly fulfills his/her role as a citizen following the rules of his/her state. The role of a good citizen is to contribute positively to society by living the good life with consciousness and knowledge. The behavior of a good citizen must be good and he/she should work for the welfare of the nation. To be a good citizen, one has to be prepared to do good work in society. First, one needs knowledge. Today’s society is knowledge-based. Without knowing modern sciences, technologies including ICT and other necessary subjects, it is difficult to lead a good life. To be a good citizen, the other areas one should have knowledge about are: his/her country, constitution, history, cultures, traditions, etc. Secondly, one needs skills to do things. Knowledge is not enough. One must be able to apply his/her knowledge to do things practically. Finally, knowing and doing things will bring about a change in his/her behavior towards others. This behavioral change will show his/her attitudes towards others, that is, it will show how one thinks and feels about a person or thing. A good citizen is very important to make a peaceful society. A good citizen is respected by all in society. We all should try to be good citizens. I think student life is the best time to sow the seed of being a good citizen as it is the best time to nourish human qualities in their minds. Students should educate themselves to do their part well. As a student, I always try to be a good citizen.

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